Arena Scenario Map

Each of the Fortune Heroes games has its own rules for competition, and this section focuses on the rules of classic Monopoly Arena Maps.

The biggest highlight of Monopoly is the arena scenario maps. Ideaverse expects eight maps for players to choose from (two will be available at launch, and more will be added). Each of which will have its own characteristics, corresponding to different rules of play, and will differ slightly from the standard scenario maps in terms of gameplay. For example, the "World Map" allows you to build the third level of a shopping mall in the first round. At the same time, the "Universe Map" features a black hole to increase the uncertainty in the game, as well as the Mars and underwater worlds scenarios.

Arena Map Rules

The classic arena map contains 32 grids:

A starting grid, a desert island grid, a world travel grid, and a World Cup grid.

3 chance grids; 5 scenic spot grids; 18 city grids.

1 bonus game grid; 1 tax bureau grid.

The basic rules of each arena map are the same as those of the classic arena map. That is, players can build on cities from the first round. As the game starts, there will be 3 city areas randomly selected to hold the ceremony, and the tolls of the ceremony area will double. The introduction of each area is as follows:

Starting Point

After the initial departure, a specified amount of "cash" will be issued to players each time they pass the starting point. "Cash" is distributed according to the land level. Each time a player arrives at the starting point, they can upgrade one building in a city they own that has not yet reached a full level(requires sufficient "cash"), buildings in the scenic spot, and landmarks cannot be upgraded.

City Area

City Status

A. Unbuilt: i.e., the city area has not been purchased by any player.

B. Purchased but without any landmarks built in the city area: Other players (non-team players) passing by are eligible to purchase and build in that area of the city.

C. Purchased and the landmark has been built: Other players (non-team players) passing by are not eligible to buy builds in that area of the city.

Note on building purchases and restrictions:

When a player arrives in an unbuilt city area, he can build: 1. land 2. villa 3. building 4. hotel 5. landmark.

Bonus Game (mini-game) Area

Based on the number of dice the player has.

Game Rules:

Players play a game of guessing heads and tails of a coin and can only play again after winning the first game, when they win three times they will each receive 2x, 4x and 8x the amount of their bet

A. The odds of winning the first game are 50:50, the odds of winning the second and third games will reduce

B. The outcome of the game is affected by the value of the mini-game winning ability on the character card

C. When a player guesses incorrectly, the system recovers the bet regardless of the stage of game

D. The game is automatically selected when the player has not made an action for 10 seconds

E. In the first game, the bet can be increased or decreased in the top right-hand corner and cannot be changed from the second game onwards

Scenic Spot Area

This type of grid, can only be acquired, not built, and will not be double acquired by other players after being acquired. Players will have to pay a toll when they step on one that is not owned by themselves or their teammates. The toll for this type of grid can be increased by meeting certain conditions, which are explained below:

1. The number of times a grid is stepped on is cumulative. The more times it is stepped on, the higher the toll. The number of times is permanently cumulative, but there is a cap.

2. The more scenic spots of the same type a player has, the higher the toll will be, and the effect will take effect simultaneously for all scenic spots.

Desert Island Area

Access to the "Desert Island" area requires:

A. Reach the desert island by rolling the dice

B. When the two dice have the same number three times in a row, you will be forced to move to the desert island

When you enter the desert island area, you will be locked up for 3 rounds and have 2 ways to escape when on your turn.

Methods of escape:

A. Roll out two dice with the same number to escape (move according to the number of dice points).

B. Pay the escape fee and re-roll the dice after you have successfully paid (choose to pay the fee and roll the dice to move)

Chance Area (Chance Card)

A player who steps on this grid receives 1 effect card. Cards are divided into active chance cards and passive chance cards. Active chance cards need to be used immediately, while passive cards can be kept or discarded. The current version prioritises the following 3 chance cards:

Function card: "Teleport": active card that allows the player to move to any grid

Defence card: "Angel", a passive card that waives the toll when the player comes to another player's grid

Attack card: "Hurricane", active card, resets all buildings in the same-coloured city grid to their initial state

World Cup Area

When a player arrives in the World Cup area by rolling the dice, the user can select a city (or attraction) to have its toll rate multiplied, provided the user has the city or scenic grid and enough cash to host the World Cup.

For cities selected as World Cup hosts, the toll increases by 2x to 5x depending on the cumulative number of times the event is held. (The toll increases by a multiple of the number of times the event has been held + 1)

The number of times the World Cup has been held is accumulated by all players. The effect is transferable and is held by the latest player to arrive in the grid and successfully trigger the function, the effect of the previous player disappears.

World Travel Areas

When arrives in the World Travel area:

Players may move to the destination of their choice when they have their turn and have enough cash to do so.

Players can't use the World Travel function if they don't have enough cash to pay for it.

Tax Bureau Area

When a player reaches the tax bureau area and the player holds property, the player is required to pay a tax of 10% of the total (amount) of the value of the property held, and the player has the option to sell the city if the player's cash is less than the tax requirement.

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