Heroes Growth Design


Heroes have a maximum of 50 levels. Different levels of Hero have different skills. Active skills are available when Hero levels reach 10 and active skill enhancements are available at level 30. All Hero upgrades cost experience points. Experience is gained by playing the game in depth. To upgrade Meta Heroes consume a certain amount of $FHC and a small amount of $IDVT in addition to experience; upgraded meta Heroes receive more rewards. Meta Heroes can forge the next generation from level 9.


Energy is an attribute unique to meta Hero and is required for Meta Hero to participate in bonus $FHC battle games. The following rules apply to the use of Energy.

1. For each battle won, energy is deducted and $FHC is awarded.

2. For each battle lost, no energy is deducted and no $FHC is awarded.

3. Each Meta Hero has a fixed amount of total energy, when the total energy is depleted, the Hero does not receive the FHC bonus (unless a breakthrough is made to receive more energy, see point 6)

4. There is a daily cap on available Energy.

5. Every T hour (e.g. 4 hours) Y points of energy will be unlocked from the total energy to the "daily available energy", but will not exceed the upper limit of daily available energy, and if the player does not consume energy, no more will be unlocked at most.

6. The player can replenish the hero's energy through a "Breakthrough". A "Breakthrough" is a leap in the meta Hero's level band, e.g. from level 9 to level 10, from level 19 to level 20, and so on. The total energy value of a meta Hero varies from level to level, with the higher the level the higher the total energy value. If you move up within the same level (e.g. from level 1 to level 9), the total energy value does not change. It is only when you break through to a new level that the total Energy will increase.


When a Meta Hero reaches integer levels 10-20-30-40, it is necessary to fuse Meta Heroes of the same type at each integer level to make a breakthrough. A breakthrough requires that the Merged Meta Hero's level cannot be more than 9 levels away from the main Hero. There is a possibility that the breakthrough might fail, The success rate of the breakthrough will increase with the number of breakthroughs, the success rate of the first breakthrough is 60% (TBD). Cards that have been merged will be burnt and the ability will be attached to the main Hero. Breakthroughs require a certain amount of $FHC and $IDVT,which varies from level to level and will be adjusted by the platform according to market conditions to ensure long-term stable income.

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