Game Rules

Game Duration

The game countdown reads the configuration (tentatively 15min), the countdown starts after the system decides the order of the players, and it is not affected by any status.

Priority and Turns

In order to determine the priority of the dice rolls, each player must first choose a card.

The player who gets the 'first' card has the priority to throw the dice.

Every game has a default of 30 rounds, and a round ends when the last player finishes their move.

Asset definition

Total Asset = cash + building value.

Each player starts with a certain amount of cash and is eliminated from the game when Total Asset is <0

Player Action Time

Action Definition: A player performing a complete interaction is considered an action. Any player action has a time countdown, and each action's countdown is calculated independently. When multiple actions are nested, the countdown for the next action is recalculated after the current action is completed. Suppose the player does not perform any action. In that case, the countdown ends, and the system takes over the player's action according to the timeout rule.

Dice Throw

When it is your turn to throw the dice, press the "ROLL" button to throw, and your character will move according to the sum of the two dice you threw. The size of the number is affected by the length of time the "ROLL" button is held down (long presses increase the chance of a larger number, and short presses increase the chance of a smaller number). The higher a character's "Dice Control" value, the greater the range of control over the roll.

Single and double rules: If you select the "Single" button before rolling, the dice result in an odd number; if you select the "Double" button, the dice result in an even number. The players can use the single and double functions three times, and the times are counted together. The function is greyed out when all three times are used up.

[Double Dice Roll]

If both dice are thrown with the same number, the player can throw them again.

When the "Double Dice Roll" item is used, the first throw will be 100% the same number.

If the dice are double rolled three times in a row, the player will receive a penalty of 3 rounds on the desert island.

Buying Cities and Construction

1. When arriving in a city without an owner, the player can build on it directly.

2. The value of the "Construction Costs Discount" in f the character card makes it possible to construct buildings at a lower cost.

3. Depending on the type of building, there will be restrictions on initial locations that have been built 1-3 times

4. More investment will be required if construction is to be carried out backward in the direction of travel

5. When arriving in a city with other players' buildings, the player will have to pay a toll.

6. Click on each city to view the construction price and toll information.

7. The player can build "Landmarks" in a city where villas, mansions, and hotels are all built. "Landmarks" can avoid all attacks and substantially increase tolls.

Exclusive Colour

If all the buildings are built in cities of the same colour, they can become an exclusive coloured area. City colours total 8, each colour for 2 to 3 cities. All the exclusive coloured cities can charge twice the toll. When one of the cities is sold within the exclusive coloured area, the "Exclusive Colour" effect would be removed.


Upon arrival in a city, the player pays a toll to that city's owner.

To increase tolls: the more buildings, the higher tolls. Players gradually constitute a higher toll area from the departure point. The toll for the ceremony area and the exclusive coloured area will double, and the toll can be increased up to five times by hosting the World Cup.

When all elements, including ceremony, exclusive colour, and the World Cup, are concentrated in the same city, tolls are added up in multiples and become a powerful toll-collector.

If the toll to be paid exceeds the amount of money the player has, the player can sell some of the cities they already own.

Players can also use the "Loan" props to make payments or choose"Bankrupt" to lose the game immediately.


Upon arrival in each other's cities, the acquisition can be made at the double the price. The "Buy-out Discount" in the character card will reduce the buy-out costs (since the buy-out price is twice as high, make a strategic choice). Areas that already have landmarks can not be acquired.


There are two options when the toll is larger than the player's current total assets:

1. Select the "Bankrupt" option. The player's game will end immediately, "cash" and property owned by the bankrupt player will turn to zero, and the city and scenic spots will be reset to their original state, other players' tolls are not affected by bankrupt players' total assets

2. Choose to use "Bankrupt Voucher" props, and it costs in game currency, then the player can continue to play [TBD]


There are multiple ways you can beat the opponents in a game. One is to win over all the money and bankrupt the opponents. The other is to get as much money as you can before the end of the game. In the final settlement, players are ranked according to their total assets from high to low, the highest ranked player wins the game. Furthermore, when a player achieves one of these three conditions: owning a whole row of cities, owning three exclusive coloured areas, owning all the tourist cities, they will win the game and receive additional gold coins reward.

Last updated